Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I got chopped

So as part of my internship I was asked to write an article for our little monthly paper that is released. Being a former journalism major I had no problem stepping up and answering the call. I wrote my article and submitted it. The paper came out last week, and let me say I will never write an article for it again. They chopped up my piece. They chopped up my piece. The chopped up my freaking piece! They made me sound like an idiot, I sound incoherent and just flat out stupid. I told my “boss” that I would not be writing for the paper again, to which he said was fine.

I have no problem if they want to take my piece and cut it up. Just don’t put my name on the end. If you want me to make it shorter, I am capable of that. But for crying out loud don’t take my article cut it up, make it crap, make it incoherent, take anything out of it that made it mine and still attach my name to it. I was given a small word limit for the piece so it is not that long, but I did the best I could. I am going to post the original article on my meditations page and maybe I can find the new version to show how bad I was butchered.


At 5:25 PM, Blogger Jose said...

Serenity NOW!!!

At 8:48 AM, Blogger Jose said...

you may want to activate your word verificaion or you are going to end up with SPAM "comment mail". Word cannot describedmy feeling about spammers.


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