4 More Games and Counting

Well my fate has been sealed. I will be dead by game 5. Will someone let me know what happens when you see me in the afterlife. Seriously we are one game into this series and I almost had a meltdown in front of my students last night at church.
There is no such thing as reality T.V. it does not exist. It never has. Survivor fixed, Big Brother fixed, Unanimous fixed, yes even the WWF is fixed! As well as American Idol. Every winner has been so predictable. Other than the first year when Kelly Clarkson won, someone who was clearly not the best has won. And there is a reason for that, when you loose shockingly everyone will remember you. Kelly deserved it and won because she was the first. But think of this who has a better career Rueben Studdard or Clay Aiken? Who won last year? ……. Exactly but I bet you can name 5 people voted off way too early and Bo, whats his name, already has a video. So thank you FOX and American Idol I am excited to hear Chris Daughtry’s debut album and watch it sell through the roof. Congrats Taylor, I will see you at Rock N Fish on Friday, is it your turn to do Sweet Caroline or is it mine.
Did I mention yet that the Suns are going to make a widow of the Palmercat Gal?
Lilly starts dog training classes on Tuesday. Ill be watching game 4 (my last night on earth) while the P.G. takes Lilly to Petco. Have fun sweety, tell Lilly I love her and to stop peeing on the freaking carpet every 7 minutes and 38 seconds.
Don’t you think that when you get trained on 2 different jobs you should get 2 salaries? I mean isn’t that logical?
24 season finale…….. Absolutely absurd. They crossed ridiculous lines that only Arnold movies cross. I mean it was so, so, so unrealistic I was sitting there watching it thinking what would be the most ludicrous thing that could possibly happen, then I would blurt it out to the Palmercat Gal, and then it would happen. I seriously went like 6/7 on absurd ideas that actually happened. So you catch my drift…. It was amazing! I loved every second of it and I cant believe I have to wait until January 2007 to see what the hell happens next. Unfortunately for me I will be gone for 5 months by that times as the Suns will have sent me to my grave (I mentioned that didn’t I?)