Thank You Sir May I Have Another
As promised here are some more pictures from the Guatemala trip along with some wonderful color commentary that is sure to land me a job announcing curling matches for fox next year.

That my friends is the volcano that exploded. unfortunetly it was last year and I was not within 5,000 miles of it. Some people have all the luck!

Palmercat Gal was so amazed that the kids in Guatemala have triangle shaped desks she couldnt take the picture in focus.

Most of our team stayed in local homes and ate breakfast with thier housing families. I, on the other hand, stayed in a hotel and had to wake up to this view every morning. The worse part of staying at the hotel was that I didnt get a chance to try the world famous Guatemalan gourmet breakfast "Mushy Pushy". Once again, some people have all the luck

Trees and water........ thats all I got.

Some people travel in style...... we traveled in a large van. Driven by a world famous driver named Danika Patrick.... Ohhh wait his name was Jugo. Sorry my bad.

Taxis in Guatemala consist of a pick-up truck, side railings and a wood beam. we managed to get 10 Gringos in one truck. we thought we had set a record when a "taxi" drive by carrying 47 Guatemalans. Man, they know how to pack! I wish the Palmercat Gal could take some lessons for her luggage.

Getting out of the Taxi's was alot harder than it looked.... now lets hug it out

One of these things is not like the other..... If you guessed Luis, the Guatemalan clown, you are correct.

This is a little game called Survivor. Unfortunetly for COCO she did not.

Or did she?

I'M THE KING OF THE........ BROKEBACK???? I mean who are these guys?

Here is the Arch de Triumph. Its just like the one in Paris, but not as girly.

Just going out to mow the lawn

White me can dance.... Oh wait, nope, they still cant.
Thats all for the pictures, enjoy them, set them as your desktop backround, print them out and sell them. Just make sure that you remember who loves you.
Beautiful commentary! Just beautiful!
Chris: Give me your hand. Now close your eyes. Go on, step up. Now hold on to the railing. Keep your eyes closed. Don't peek.
Other Guy: I'm not.
Chris: Step up on the railing. Hold on, hold on. Keep your eyes closed. Do you trust me?
Other Guy: I trust you.
Chris: All right. Open your eyes!
Other Guy: I'm flying, Chris!
Great Pic :-)
Were you in Panajachel?
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