Monday, June 19, 2006


Craigslist is pretty cool, however today when I was searching it, it became awesome. Check out this add for a free palm tree.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


I know this is lame, but I stumbled across this while I was googling my death prediction (Which said I will be elected Governor at age 93). So I decided that being a pirate was better than dying..... However still not as good as being a ninja (Unosuke Kosugi -san).

My pirate name is:

Bloody Harry Cash

Every pirate lives for something different. For some, it's the open sea. For others (the masochists), it's the food. For you, it's definitely the fighting. You're musical, and you've got a certain style if not flair. You'll do just fine. Arr!

Get your own pirate name from

Friday, June 09, 2006

Thr Grimm Report

As most of you know, whether you like baseball or not, Jason Grimsley, former Diamondbacks pitcher, has admitted to the use steroids, amphetamines and human growth hormone (HGH). There has been a lot of reaction to this around the baseball world, in the media, by fans, and people who hate sports all together. Here is my take on the situation and what is getting lost in all of this mess.

First if you are in the last group of people I listed above…. SHUT UP! You have no idea what you’re talking about. This is not just “another reason for you to hate sports”. I don’t have a problem with anyone who does not like sports, I do have a problem when people who do not like sports try and comment, and more importantly think they are right, on things relating to sports. I don’t sit here writing about the economic structure we have in the US. Why? Because I do not know enough about the topic to think I have an opinion that A) matters and B) should be heard.

The baseball world has been shaken hard by this latest scandal. There have been a lot of things written and said about this, most of them degrading Jason Grimsley and making him out to be a trader to the sport and his teammates. In the report filed in court, Grimsley has named names of people in baseball who use performance enhancing drugs. Jeff Nelson was quoted as saying that he needs to shut his mouth and accept his consequences. White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen has basically stated the same thing and then some.
Here is my problem with all of this. Jason cheated, that is true and he has admitted to it, but he has not rolled over on his teammates or his former teammates. In a statement by Jason he said that investigators showed up at his house in April the same day a shipment of HGH arrived. Since that day he has cooperated with the government, until they asked him to wear a wire in the clubhouse and try to get dirt on teammates and Barry Bonds. Grimsley refused this request and the feds went public with his report. This does not sound like a guy who rolls over on his teammates. When asked about the names he named in the report, he said he never named names but only answered questions that he was asked.

So now he is getting killed in the media and in the baseball world for telling the truth! Isn’t this exactly what we are always upset with Bonds, the fact that he continues to deny his use and claim ignorance to a grand jury. Here we have a guy who got caught and has answered all the questions honestly and refused to be a mole in the clubhouse. The night the report about his use of performance enhancing drugs came out, he went to the Diamondbacks GM, Josh Byrnes, and asked for his release because he did not want his teammates to go through the media circus he would bring. This does not sound like a bad teammate or a snitch.

Jason cheated and for that he is guilty. But as the days go by and the original shock of the situation has cleared it is time to give the guy a break. He is not an evil person, he is not the Anti Christ of baseball, he is a guy who saw how he could get an edge and took it. He got caught and admitted it unlike most players who get caught (just read up on Rapheal Palmero, Barry Bonds’ grand jury testimony, and every other player who tested positive and blamed it on “over the counter supplements”.)

So Jeff Nelson, Ozzie Guillen, media, fans just shut up about the issue. Lets chill out and see what MLB and the MLBPA does about HGH testing (since the only way to detect HGH is through blood tests). Jason Grimsley is out of baseball, his career is over, he will be chided on the streets whenever someone recognizes him, but in the end he is just the latest player to get caught in an era full of cheaters and liars. At least he can’t be called liar.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

It's My Life, and It Raised.....

38.1 and counting, on a movie that depicts my life. The Breakup is funny, it was entertaining, it got sappy, it was a chick flick. But most of all it was me! Vaughn’s character was me! I’m serious, go see the movie and try and tell me that that movie is not an accurate depiction of my life. The only thing is that the Palmercat Gal and I never broke up and I don’t lead city tours around Phoenix on a double deck bus. After you see the movie and realize that that is my life, you should feel 2 things.

1. I am pathetic
2. Sorry for the Palmercat gal

……Writers block………….

Here are some random tidbits from my week.

Mentos + Diet Coke = Awesome
Diet Coke + Pavement = What I am doing on Saturday
Myspace is incredibly lame. But once you get on it and start cruising around you cant stop. It is officially heroin of the internet.
• Everyone wants a puppy until they get one. If Lilly weren’t so freaking cute she would be a goner by now. She really needs to learn that it is not ok to lick my head at 3:37 every morning and that the carpet is not her grass field to relieve herself whenever she feels necessary….every 5 minutes.
• The Suns…. ….. . . . . . ……. …….(tear) .. … . ……..Theres always next year! (right?)
• Horray the Diamondbacks are playing good ball……. Son of a B, baseball is the only sport going right now that matters….. until June 9th and the World Cup begins! Then it is back to baseball for the rest of the summer…. Son of a B! (Sorry for using such harsh letters)

Back to work now…….

Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Last Stand, lost, and No Sports!

I know that not all of my readers are fans of sports, so I am going to try and post without mentioning sports. So here it goes….

The Last Stand:

I had a read a partial review of the movie before it came out, and this “partial review” was about three sentences long, in this review contained major plot twists! What the hell! How do you write a mini review and reveal to casual readers, who are just checking to see your score on the film, what is going to happen throughout the course of a movie. I mean seriously how much of a jerkass are you? That would be like me writing this mini review of the 3rd Matrix movie:

Wonderful special effects, the plot was a bit slow and much to hard to grasp. The action carries the movie as the dialogue tries to slow it down. If there is going to be a fourth installment to the series it will be interesting to see how Neo escapes the computers and deals with life without Trinity. 58/100.

If someone had actually written that before the movie was released, and you read it, there would be hell to pay. How stupid have writers become? Anyways…. The movie overall was not a great movie. But it was enjoyable and really entertaining. I would say if you liked the first 2 go see the third, but make sure you have not seen the other 2 within the past year and a half, as they are much better.

I have officially stopped watching Lost. It really is crappy. I endured over one and a half seasons for nothing. I know no more now then I did when I started watching. I did not see the last 3 episodes this season, but you know what, I can sleep fine. This is a sure tell sign that the show no longer has a grip on you. For instance:

I was at gam………ummmm not home for the 2 hour season finale of 24 a couple of weeks ago. I got home really late and started to “borrow” the episodes from a cool website, they didn’t work and I couldn’t see it that night. That was the worst night of sleep I have had in a long time. 24 owns me, Lost does not.

Besides the fact that it sucks, its really slow. I mean really really slow. Its like watching a replay of golf…… I mean it’s like watching rocks. Nothing happens. Ever. Then all of a sudden something happens and your like, cool it got good, then back to the rocks. If Lost wants to get watching again here is what needs to happen.

• The Chinese couple need to die. Episodes about them are the worst.
• Mr. Echo needs to become the 4th most shown person behind Jack, Kate, and Locke
• Sawyer needs to either die or become an other.
• The island needs to be explained a little more in EVERY episode.

They really should hire me as a writer. I know I can do a better job than what they have going now. I would love to sit on their creative writing meetings. You know there is like one guy who has all these amazing ideas and he sits in the corner handing them out and gets shut down every time. Because there were some good episodes, and I credit those episodes to the corner guy.

That’s all I got for now. Until next time, Go Suns! I mean…. Go Suns! Sorry I couldn’t do it.